The Korean documentary film "The Luxury Bus" (아픈만큼 사랑한다) is selected as the closing film of the Korea Pinoy International Film Festival 2019. The movie distributed by Dashy Films will be screened on September 29, 2019 7:00pm in Arirang Cine Center as the conclusion of the the first Filipino international film festival in Korea.
Synopsis: Diagnosed with cancer, a doctor goes to the Philippines to spend his remaining time to live. He rides a bus and treats poor children in the countryside, hoping that fate may change. Will his love to people overcome his pain?
Prior to the screening is the closing ceremony of the Film Festival. For those who are invited or has ticket reservations are welcome to the "Red Carpet Night" which will happen on September 29, 2019 5:00pm.
For ticket reservations, Contact Daniel Zoung at +82 10-2278-9119